Want to find the best international freelance SEO jobs and remote online marketing projects?

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Search engine optimization – find exciting international remote jobs as a freelancer

search engine optimization

Freelance SEO for on- and off-page optimization

In view of its dynamic and rapid development, the field of search engine optimization can only be fully covered by an expert in many companies. On our portal you have the opportunity as an SEO freelancer to find exciting and attractively paid remote jobs in Germany or worldwide. With your skills in on- and off-page optimization of websites you will get in touch with interesting internationally operating companies and can accompany them on their way to natural growth. An appealing profile, in which you can highlight reviews from previous employers, ensures regular requests for assignments and new contacts.

Search engine optimization as an important part of the company

Together with online marketing, the field of search engine optimization has become much more present and important for companies in the expansion of digitization in recent years. Google, as the leading search engine with a market share of 90 percent, is the main focus of optimization. Bing, Yahoo and other search engines have their niches, but can be neglected for most markets. More than 200 ranking factors, which are responsible for the optimal positioning of a website, require a daily examination of this complex topic.

Google as an important traffic factor

The progressive development of Google, with its central role as a distributor of information, leads to repeated changes in the ranking factors within just a few months. The focus here is entirely on the user’s search intention, which Google is able to recognize more and more easily and assign it to the relevant websites by means of artificial intelligence. Without search engine optimization, which, as is well known, guarantees free traffic, companies can no longer successfully position themselves digitally.

Freelance online marketing experts in great demand

Freelancers in the field of SEO are held in high esteem and are happy to be involved in projects on a long-term basis in the alignment of corporate goals. Working together with an expert in the field of search engine optimization can bring lasting success. It is important not to let short-term setbacks upset you and to develop long-term goals together.

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Berlin, Germany
IT Consultant
Madrid, Spain
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Hamburg, Germany
UX/UI Designer
Berlin, Germany
New York, USA
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SEO Consultant
Florianopolis, Brazil

Gather experience and assignments as SEO freelancer in Germany

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Find international remote freelance SEO jobs on this freelance platform

Exciting and well paid remote freelance seo jobs for international freelancers can be found with a profile on our platform. In your profile you should definitely indicate your language skills, because internationally active native speakers are in great demand. National and international companies are always looking for experts in the field of search engine optimization. Based on your skills and your reviews for previous projects, you can expect regular and well-paid assignments from clients in Berlin, London, Amsterdam, Madrid or Paris.

Position yourself on the market as an online marketing freelancer

For a long time, there was no classical training as an SEO expert at all. However, the growing importance of this field is now also reflected in this area. Numerous companies now offer training within the company and courses of study were developed with the help of proven SEO experts at some universities. The classic online marketing freelancer, however, is a career changer who was mainly at home in the technical or creative field. On the basis of own freelance seo jobs and the first cooperation with companies, many have acquired their comprehensive knowledge. Google provides valuable assistance with tutorials and guides, but without revealing the central ranking factors.

Registration on this freelance platform

But how can you establish yourself in the market as a remote SEO freelancer? This can be done relatively easily with our freelancer platform. Here you have the opportunity to add your SEO skills to your profile. In addition to your skills in website optimization, you can strengthen your own profile with reviews from previous clients or team colleagues. The higher the appreciation of your previous work, the more likely you are to get interesting and, above all, well-paid jobs in the future.

In which industries can SEO freelancers be hired remotely?

On freelance SEO jobs in Germany the limitation to one industry is not given. The basis for your work is always the website that is to be developed or improved. During the keyword research and the specifications for the copywriters, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with certain topics – therefore a basic understanding of the industry is necessary. Technical terms, terminologies or even country-specific knowledge are the basis for a successful analysis in several sectors. The sectors on our freelance platform therefore open up many fields of activity for you. Among them are companies from these sectors:

  • Consumer goods
  • Construction industry
  • Education
  • Event services
  • Wholesale
  • Cosmetics
  • Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Engineering
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Environmental Services
  • Consumer electronics
  • Textiles

Convincing companies with niche and expert knowledge

Niche knowledge can be of great importance in this context. If you have acquired special knowledge for certain topics, this should definitely be noted on your profile. This is the only way companies looking for support for these topics can become aware of you.

What is important in search engine optimization?

  • As an SEO freelancer, knowledge of on-page and off-page optimization is essential.
  • On-page optimization, also known as onsite optimization, includes all technical, content related and structural adjustments to a website.
  • Off-page optimization describes measures that use external factors to improve search engine rankings sustainably.
  • The perfect interplay of both disciplines increases the probability that the visibility in the SERPs will increase sustainably through better search engine rankings.
  • In the context of an optimization in the sense of the search engine, the on-page optimization should always precede the off-page optimization. A fast and well-functioning site with excellent content forms the basis for rankings within the top 10.

Technical details for freelance SEO jobs

freelancer seo

Analysis ability necessary for search engine optimization

The ability of a comprehensive analysis is essential for working as an SEO. The monitoring of various technical aspects and the correct interpretation of KPIs are the foundation for profitable analyses. A preference for numbers and data and the practiced use of Excel are a further advantage for the daily work. A certain obsession with detail, the desire to test and an innovative way of thinking are an enrichment for every freelancer in the field of SEO.

Knowledge of on-page optimization

With the international on-page optimization the basis for every successful website is laid. But what knowledge do you need in this area to convince companies of your abilities as an SEO expert? The basis is a technically clean and fast loading website. Performance has become one of the most important ranking factors after Google switched to mobile search. No user nowadays has the patience to wait for a long time until a page has fully loaded.

The following factors are of elementary importance for a higher visibility:

  • URL and website structure
    • Length of the URL
    • Position and inclusion of the keyword in the URL
    • Click depth/directory depth – a flat hierarchy is always an advantage
  • HTML Head
    • Title Tag
    • Meta Description Tag
    • Canonical Day
  • Crawling and indexing of web pages
    • robots.txt
    • sitemap.xml
  • Technical aspects of on-page optimization
    • Page speed and performance
    • Mobile friendliness
    • Server accessibility
  • HTML body and text
    • Heading Tag – use of subheadings
    • ALT attribute
    • File names of images
    • Bold / Italic
    • HTML code – as lean and comprehensible as possible
    • Internal links

Content as part of SEO and on-page optimization

The area of content is also part of the on-page optimization and is another discipline that you should master as an SEO specialist. This is not about writing texts, but about important content. Pages with very comprehensive information and exciting content in the form of text, pictures and videos have a much higher chance of achieving a better ranking. With the help of a comprehensive keyword research you can give the copywriters a valuable aid to create suitable texts. Above all, the question hovers: Is the user’s search intention fulfilled and are his questions on the topic answered comprehensively? If you can answer this question with “YES”, the perfect text has been created.

Off-page optimization as SEO freelancer

Off-page optimization aims to increase the reputation of the website. The decisive basis of the off-page measures is the generation of backlinks to increase the link popularity. With all the myths that surround Google, backlinks are still a precious commodity. Recommendations based on links were after all the basic idea when programming Google and this has lost nothing of its importance to this day. With the advent of social networks, it is assumed in the field of SEO that so-called social signals can also have a small influence on the ranking.

Tools for the work on freelance SEO projects

  • Time Tracking: In general, as a freelancer you need a whole range of tools to support your daily work. In order to be able to bill you on a time basis, a time tracking software is helpful, which both you and the company can view.
  • Communication: The exchange or communication can be done via Email, Skype, Zoom or Slack, which all have their advantages and disadvantages. It is best to adapt yourself to your client’s preferred forms of communication.
  • Analysis: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Searchmetrics Suite, Sistrix, Majestic, Screaming Frog, Xovi and Ryte are recommendable.
  • Planning: Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest or Ahrefs are valuable tools.

Knowledge and skills of freelancers in the field of SEO

seo freelancer

Link building as a challenge in search engine optimization

Active link building is not welcomed by Google and numerous updates of the algorithm have already led to active punishment of websites. This makes good know-how and a lot of experience in this area all the more important. Because only clever link building is successful link building.

International SEO opens new remote perspectives

Dealing with SEO in your language is a good basis for your work on freelance SEO projects. Most companies think not only locally, but globally. Accordingly, knowledge of international markets is an important extension – which increases the project chances for internationally active freelancers. Since even the sales markets for Austria and Switzerland should be treated separately with German language, you can expand your wealth of experience here.

The efforts of the companies are to cover as many languages as possible on one website. Therefore technical requirements and the right choice of domain are necessary. With a .com domain, many languages can be represented, alternatively directories and sub-domains are possible. To make a recommendation here and to push the integration of the technical language regulations is an important task on international freelance SEO projects.

Earning opportunities on freelance SEO projects in Germany

“Good people cost good money” is a saying on the job market and this also applies to the search for qualitative reinforcement by a freelancer. In the end, quality and experience are the deciding factors for the hourly rate. As a beginner it is advisable to set a moderate hourly rate. With the increasing number of jobs and very good reviews you can adjust your wage per hour. It is also recommended that you make a distinction for certain tasks. A keyword research does not require extensive knowledge and you could be paid around 30 euros per hour. In-depth analyses with technical know-how can again bring in 60 euros. With this graduation you increase the possibility to bring your work variably into a company. If you have made a name for yourself among the SEO experts, hourly rates of 100 euros and more are not uncommon. As a rule, high daily rates are then also awarded for certain tasks.

Cooperation with other freelancers or company departments

Good communication and the ability to explain problems well are soft skills that you should have as a freelancer. In your work you will come into contact with other company departments and freelancers. Explaining to a developer why a URL has to look a certain way or why performance has to be improved is often a challenge. Similarly, there is often potential for conflict between the product managers and the SEO consultant, who have different ideas regarding the design of a website. A mixture of empathy and assertiveness is particularly important in this work. Compromises are not always the best solution, since Google as a search engine creates comprehensive requirements. For some freelance seo jobs there is also the possibility that you will work with experts in online marketing or an already existing SEO department. A consultant and a link builder need an outside view or support in their work. There are many points of contact with PR and brand managers in off-page optimization. In order to represent your points of view, your analyses must have a certain depth and you must be able to convincing.

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What are the earning opportunities on remote freelance SEO projects in Germany?

As a beginner, hourly rates of around 30 euros are very likely. With the number of assignments and good reviews, your salary as an absolute expert can rise to over 100 euros per hour. These fees are negotiated individually with each company.

What knowledge does an SEO freelancer need?

The essential basics of on-page and off-page optimization must be available at an SEO freelancer in any case. The practiced use of tools for the SEO area and very good analysis skills enrich every profile.

Which tools must an SEO freelancer know and use?

As basic tools the offers of Google come into question. Analytics, Search Console and the Keyword Planner can be connected with Searchmetrics, Sistrix or other analysis tools.

Which industries are suitable for an online marketing freelancer?

As an online marketing freelancer you are not bound to any industry. Basically, you can familiarize yourself with any topic and analyze the respective website. However, niche knowledge is certainly an advantage for keyword research or content development.

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