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IT Freelancer: Finding exciting and well paid projects and assignments

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IT Freelance platform with international job offers

Freelance developers are among the most sought-after freelancers on the market. Their skills and abilities form the basis for a successful website or app in many projects and assignments. With additional qualifications and a view beyond the traditional professional boundaries, you can increase your chances of successfully establishing yourself on the market as an IT freelancer. By registering on our freelance platform, the options to find interesting jobs with high hourly rates in Germany, Europe and worldwide increase. A meaningful profile with your skills and recommendations from previous projects will help us to place you with potential clients among the companies.

Software development on innovative remote IT projects

As a freelance developer you have several advantages over a permanent position. During software development you will gain unique insights into innovative IT projects. In doing so, you continuously gain valuable experience that you can apply to future projects. Every company and every assignment as a freelance developer guarantees you new contacts with exciting clients. In addition, contact with internal developers within the company is of great value. Here you have the opportunity to exchange ideas and benefit from each other’s knowledge.

Get long-term international web freelance jobs

An advantage of international freelance developer jobs is often the long-term nature of the assignment. Once an agreement has been reached with a company, the projects or contracts are usually very long-term. Programming a website or an app simply takes time if high quality standards are required. Even with completion, the assignment does not have to end. Ongoing support and, above all, continuous development are still on the agenda for many companies. If you have proven yourself as an IT freelancer during the creation, follow-up orders are almost guaranteed.

Independence, freedom of decision and free time management

The high demand for IT freelancers is leading many of them to set up their own businesses. While a permanent employment can quickly become boring, freelancers experience much more variety in their working life. As an established software developer with the appropriate knowledge and know-how, you have the freedom to decide which jobs and projects you would like to support in the future. In doing so, you will come into contact with different topics and requirements that challenge you and enrich your knowledge. Independence and free time management are certainly further arguments for working as a freelancer. If the hourly rate is right for you and your requirements, you can decide for yourself how much work and tasks you want to take on.

Become part of our exclusive international network

Senior Editor
Berlin, Germany
IT Consultant
Madrid, Spain
Full Stack Developer
Kiev, Ukraine
Digital Marketing Expert
Taipei, Taiwan
Product Owner
Berlin, Germany
Marketing Consultant
Hamburg, Germany
UX/UI Designer
Berlin, Germany
New York, USA
Legal Consultant
London, UK
SEO Consultant
Florianopolis, Brazil

Freelance developer languages and skills

web freelance jobs

Which programming languages should an IT freelancer know?

Acquiring outstanding skills in all programming languages is likely to become an impossible challenge even for very intelligent people. Nevertheless, there are programming languages that bring with them a particularly high demand. Javascript, PHP, C and C++ as well as Java are among those languages for which companies like to hire freelancers. The programming languages C and C++ are used for system and application programming and form the basis of work for many companies. Developers, system, organization and application programmers, IT specialists or IT consultants should therefore have at least a basic knowledge of this programming language. Javascript and PHP are used by many companies to make a website dynamic and descriptive. Ultimately, however, you have to make a decision about the direction you want to go as an IT freelancer.

Programming languages of the future

Nothing is older than the code from yesterday! This saying has been around for a long time among freelance developers and in this industry freelancers cannot afford to stand still. To constantly develop themselves and learn new skills is a fundamental principle for web freelancers. In order to be positioned for the future, two programming languages are absolutely trendy at the moment. Python could quickly take a top position on the market as a fast and above all simple language. Java, on the other hand, convinces with its stability and continuity. Companies that focus on long-term solutions cannot avoid Java. JavaScript should also be mentioned in this context.

Web services and databases

Dealing with web services and databases is essential for the work as a freelance developer. Here, comprehensive knowledge is necessary to ideally support your own work. In this context the shipping giant Amazon has made a name for itself. More than 100,000 companies worldwide already rely on Amazon DynamoDB, a database service based on NoSQL. Experience and routine in working with DynamoDB should certainly be helpful to find international freelance developer jobs. And even if every year a farewell is launched on Facebook as the leading social network, the framework of Facebook is definitely an interesting working environment. Go, Shopify, AnuglarJS, Swift or Machine Learning are further fields of activity in which specialists are desperately sought.

Select IT projects according to knowledge and development opportunities

If you have the choice, you should get involved in assignments and projects where on the one hand your knowledge and skills are in demand, but on the other hand there is still potential for development for you personally. Having the freedom to search for individual solutions and to gain new insights is optimal for your professional development. In this way you can make an excellent contribution and gain new experience and skills yourself.

Soft skills as a freelance developer help in finding an international job

  • Communication Skills: The ability to take up contact with other people, to communicate and illustrate problems is a very important skill for a freelance developer. The client needs to be able to put himself in your shoes in order to be able to deal with any problems that arise. Together with a quick grasp and knowledge of conflict management, good communication skills can work wonders.
  • Ability to work in a team: The first glance at IT freelancers is deceptive. Although work directly on the code is usually limited to the developer himself, a developer rarely works on a project alone. The ability to work in a team and the gift of being able to contribute without deviating from your ideas are highly relevant in the industry.
  • Self-organization: As a freelancer you usually work on several projects at the same time to avoid a false self-employment. It is thus very important to be able to organize yourself. Adhering to deadlines, keeping an eye on meetings and leaving enough time for the actual programming work – this requires strict self-organization as an IT freelancer.
  • Assertiveness: A particularly important skill for a freelance developer is assertiveness. If you are convinced of your work and think that your client or colleagues are on the wrong track, you need to be able to present arguments that will make others understand.

Sectors and fields of activity for a freelance developer

it freelance projects

Interest and preferences make for greater commitment

As an established freelance developer, there are various projects available for you to get involved in. When choosing a job, your own interests and preferences should be taken into account in addition to your earnings. If you enjoy working in the “video games” sector, you will show a much higher level of commitment to development. Freelance developers who have a high affinity for travel will be able to understand the needs of a hotel booking platform better than others. It would therefore make sense to include their own interests in the selection process – if only to strengthen their own motivation. If you are dependent on web freelance jobs, however, topics outside your field of interest can of course also be realized with good enthusiasm.

Trust and security as an important aspect of IT freelancer projects

It is understandable that companies want to protect themselves in every respect when they work with IT freelancers. Therefore it is common that you have to sign a NDA (non-disclosure agreement) in the run-up to a project and commit yourself to not let any internal information get out. The complete overwriting of the rights to your performance results such as the code can also be agreed upon. This may seem very complex and unnecessary at first sight, but especially in a hard competitive environment there are always competing companies that try to poach freelancer developers from other companies in order to gain the corresponding know-how. In this respect, you should not be at fault. A bad reputation or even legal consequences will certainly have a negative impact on upcoming assignments.

Which industries are suitable for IT freelancers?

IT freelancers have a wide choice when choosing their jobs and assignments. They are by no means limited to certain industries, because in almost all of them interesting and well-paid jobs are available. Ultimately, you have to decide which industries you feel comfortable in and for which you bring a certain empathy. For the various tasks, it is important to empathize with requirements and intuitive operations. International remote freelance developer jobs are offered on our platform in the following industries, among others:

  • Automotive
  • Energy & Supply
  • Internet
  • Hotels
  • Consumer Goods
  • Art & Culture
  • Logistics
  • Banking & Financial Services
  • Telecommunications
  • Video Games & Animation

Points of contact with different fields of activity

As a developer you come into contact with numerous fields of activity within a company. You will soon find out that the people in charge give high priority to their own field of activity, which should be taken into account when programming. The main thing here is to keep calm, always communicate with the main person in charge and concentrate on your central task. There are points of contact with the following departments in companies:

  • Management
  • Business & Consulting
  • Project Management
  • Programming & Tech
  • Design & UX
  • Content and Social Media
  • Marketing & PR
  • Online Marketing & Analytics

IT freelance projects: experience, positive reviews and hourly rates

international it freelancer jobs

Gather experience and positive reviews

As in almost every industry, experience is invaluable for a freelance developer. Most companies that are looking for a freelancer first look at the professional stations or assignments they have completed so far. You should definitely highlight these in your profile, as they form the foundation for future freelance jobs. It is helpful if you describe as exactly as possible what tasks you have taken on in order to be able to obtain similar jobs. Positive reviews are just as valuable as experience. Ask for recommendations from previous clients or team colleagues. This will convince potentially interested parties of your competence.

Fees vary from city to city

A not unimportant criterion for the amount of the fee or the IT freelancer hourly rate is the company’s headquarters. A statistic for C/C++ developer jobs in Germany has shown that the earning possibilities in Leipzig, Dresden or Berlin can be lower than in Stuttgart or Munich, whether you are scheduled to work on site or remotely in your home office. IT freelancers have to expect lower hourly rates for the same work if the client is based in Berlin instead of, for example, in Munich. A view of the company headquarters can pay off for you in IT freelance projects. However, the price structure often depends on the industry.

Hourly rate for a freelance developer on international projects in Germany

IT freelancers are generally very well paid. This alone regulates the high demand for experts. Nevertheless, there are significant differences, which can be reduced to age and experience, among other things. According to the “Freelance Kompass”, freelance developers under 30 years of age earn an average of 74.25 euros as an hourly rate. This increases continuously up to the age group between 50 and 59, where the average hourly rate is 99.88 euros. For even older IT developers, the fee then drops again.

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Registration on our IT Freelancer Portal

In order to get chances for very good assignments, the registration on our freelancer portal is the first step. On the basis of your expertise, we will bring you together with companies offering interesting and very well-paid assignments. Create a profile and complete your knowledge and skills as comprehensively as possible. If these fit the requirements of a project perfectly, we will propose these assignments to you for placement.


How do I find an international freelance developer job?

By registering on our portal and creating a meaningful profile, you increase your chances of finding a varied and well-paid freelance developer job. If your skills match the requirements of the company, we will arrange attractive assignments and projects for you.

What is the hourly rate for a freelance developer?

Above all, experience is a currency that is well paid for among freelance developers. In combination with very good skills and references, an hourly rate between 80 and 100 euros is quite realistic for freelance developers.

Where are freelance developers sought?

The demand for good freelance developers is very high in Germany and internationally. Especially in urban areas such as Berlin in Germany or London in the United Kingdom, a large number of IT freelancer jobs are available.

In which industries are IT freelancers sought?

With regard to the industries, there are no restrictions for IT freelancers. Many companies are looking for freelancers to develop software or program a website – regardless of their business area. The digital transformation will further strengthen this trend in the future.

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