Want to find the best international freelance designer jobs on web or graphic design freelance projects?

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Freelance designers and graphic artists: find assignments and projects

international freelance designer jobs

Remote job offers for freelance designers

As a designer you have taken up one of the most creative and exciting professions, which are in high demand on the freelancer market. With an interesting portfolio of your own work you can generate new assignments and projects in a targeted manner. With our freelance platform we can support you as a freelance designer and graphic artist in your job search. With your exceptional expertise you will be placed with companies who are looking for external support. This brings numerous advantages, because you have the possibility to determine your own working hours and are faced with new challenges every day. By registering on our freelancer portal you save yourself the tedious acquisition process and can use your know-how to find attractive international jobs for freelance web designers and graphic designers.

Booming market for freelance web or graphic designers

Freelance graphic designers combine creativity and artistic talent with the latest technology. With their work, they create a completely new image for a company that needs a new website as a figurehead, for example. Using design in a targeted manner so that it inspires a large number of people and potential customers is an art in itself. Those who are at home in this genre can inspire and motivate with their skills. It is therefore hardly surprising that numerous companies are looking for exactly such print or web designer freelancers who can achieve this effect with customers. The market is booming, also because many agencies rely on freelance designers and graphic designers to generate fresh, new ideas again and again. Establishing yourself here will pay off over the long term.

As a design freelancer, the working environment can be designed flexibly

As a freelancer in the field of “design” you will enjoy numerous freedoms. Today, technology and software allow you to do your job as a graphic designer remotely from anywhere in the world. No matter if you work as a freelancer on designer jobs in Berlin, other cities in Germany, London, Paris or New York, there are almost no limits for international freelance designer jobs. This is certainly one of the biggest advantages, but agencies and companies often prefer personal contact. A mixture of working directly in the company and in the home office can be optimal for graphic freelancers. But in the end you have control over your working time and organization. Depending on your preferences, you can do your work exclusively on the computer in your own four walls, while others prefer personal contact with the client from time to time.

Specialization increases your chances of getting an international job as a freelance graphic designer

In contrast to many other professions, specialization is an advantage for freelance graphic artists or freelance designers. Certainly, most of them can comprehensively cover all requirement areas, but the necessary finer points are often missing. A classic logo that does not stand out from the crowd or a design without its own appeal will seldom arouse enthusiasm among clients. Accordingly, one’s own interests and abilities should be the focus of any specialization. Experience has shown that companies as well as agencies can never be convinced that you really are an expert in all areas. A suitable portfolio of your work can only be convincing if you concentrate on one area and can shine with it.

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Find jobs for web or graphic design freelancers

web designer freelance

Freelance Designer: Conveying visions and messages

What is the demand of many companies for a freelance graphic designer on the market? It is important to convey visual versions of brands and messages to customers in a creative way. The message must be memorable, effective and aesthetic in order to find the perfect way to address the customer. Graphic designers transform the needs and ideas of customers into visuals. The requirements of the clients vary, of course, and this is where the real skill of a freelance designer lies – to set up proven concepts anew and to design ideas completely new. Anyone who masters this impressively will make a good living as a freelance graphic artist.

Soft skills for freelance graphic designers

Even if you want to work largely independently, soft skills are essential in your working environment – if only to convince clients. Artistic skills and creativity, passion and enthusiasm for design, teamwork, good communication skills, analytical thinking, self-confidence and presentation skills, time management and open-mindedness are often required in your working environment. Especially in design, it is important to convey feasible visions to the client, to lead ideas into the right direction and above all to be able to justify your designs. If you are not able to do this, you will be less successful as a freelance designer.

Industries for freelance graphic artists and designers

Surveys in the past have shown that freelancers in the field of “graphics and design” are not only active on the free market for companies. In order to avoid costly acquisition, numerous design freelancers are registered with specialized design service providers. There they explicitly place orders or repeatedly request designs that are created for a client. On the basis of your own profile, more or less interesting assignments are placed with the freelancers. However, the free market or freelance platforms on which well-paid projects are offered open up great opportunities. Freelance designers can fall back on jobs in the following industries:

  • Marketing & advertising
  • Newspapers & magazines
  • Architecture & urban planning
  • Film & television
  • Publishers & Media

It is not necessary to limit the scope to one industry. After all, companies in other sectors are also looking for outstanding and creative designers to create a new web design, logo or targeted advertising campaign.

Skills of a web or graphic designer

For many freelancers, the question arises as to what skills a designer should have if he or she wants to be successful on the competitive market. Besides the so-called soft skills, it is mainly the hard skills that need to be mastered – such as:

  • Communication Design
  • Design Theory
  • Graphic design
  • Web design
  • Illustration
  • Photography
  • Typography
  • Visual art
  • 3D design
  • Theory of colors

To have sound knowledge in all areas is illusory. Nevertheless, a large part of these skills should be part of your personal expertise.

Tasks and activities as a freelance designer & graphic artist

  • The creation and design of graphics, brochures, logos, magazine covers, signs, stickers, t-shirts, websites or advertising is one of the tasks of a freelance designer.
  • Ideas and scribbles are presented to the client in advance and the implementation is explained to him.
  • Designs are created, drawn or painted by hand or by using appropriate software.
  • A good communication and a regular exchange with the client is important to let his ideas flow into a perfect design.
  • Working as part of a team to create a larger design project can be one of the tasks for a freelance graphic designer.
  • Leading a team of designers with the appropriate distribution of tasks can be one of your responsibilities as an art director.
  • Working with other parts of the company to process all ideas and requirements within the project is often required.
  • Creative professionals such as photographers, writers or illustrators are identified for specific subtasks within a project.

Prerequisites and earnings for graphic & design freelancers

graphic designer freelance

Apprenticeship or studies as a basis

In contrast to many other professions, graphic artists or designers can follow an apprenticeship or complete a course of study. Numerous universities, art schools and classical art academies offer courses of study with this main subject leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree. Alternatively, this field can also be chosen as a minor subject in order to acquire a corresponding foundation. Another way is a classical education in this profession, which can be realized through agencies and companies with these subareas. Basic knowledge of design principles, studio art, commercial graphic design, computer-aided design, website design and printing techniques are learned. The advantage of this educational path is that all basics are taught.

Successful freelance web or graphic designers without classical education

There are quite a few freelancers who have made their way into the field of graphics and design without a classical training. Often they have already come into contact with corresponding programs or software at a young age and have acquired the necessary skills themselves. Their advantage is that they have always been able to freely express their own creativity and have a lot of experience. The technical training courses that exist for designers can be used to acquire the necessary expertise. Often these freelance graphic designers are proven experts in CAD (Computer Aided Design) due to their years of work.

Earning opportunities on freelance designer jobs

As in all professional fields, your fee is a matter of negotiation. As a guideline, 65,000 euros annual earnings are given in the field of design & graphics for freelancers. Junior graphic designers have to reckon with an initial income of between 40,000 and 50,000 euros, while very experienced designers can generate around 90,000 euros per year with lucrative projects. In this context there are also art directors who can earn even more.

Tips for international jobs for freelance designers

  • Learn languages: English will pave your way to international assignments and projects. Communication with companies from all over the world can be realized with English but other languages will give you further advantages on the market.
  • Flexible working locations: As a freelance designer, you can often choose your own working location. However, a first contact or a full cooperation on site may be desired for assignments.
  • Knowledge of tools: Do not specialize in just one tool for graphic design. The perfect handling of several tools opens up numerous job opportunities for you. You don’t have to deal with a new software that your client demands, but can immediately start working in a targeted manner.
  • Build a network in Germany, Europe & worldwide: Use every opportunity to get in touch with international companies as a freelance graphic artist. Locations like Berlin, Paris, London, Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam or Buenos Aires not only have an exciting market for freelance designers, but also organize interesting trade fairs, congresses or conferences.
  • Gain experience abroad: If the opportunity arises to gain experience as a freelancer at another location, you should definitely take advantage of it. Experience abroad is very much appreciated by companies when awarding new contracts.

Find international jobs as web or graphic designer freelancer

find freelance designer jobs

Gather and document experiences

Experience is invaluable for a freelancer. The more jobs and assignments you have completed, the better your prospects for further projects. It is important for you to document everything exactly in your profile. A detailed description of your previous work results and recommendations form the basis for further assignments. Companies then have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with your skills, which you have already proven in practice.

Collect positive reviews as a freelancer

In addition to an extensive wealth of experience, positive reviews from previous clients are worth their weight in gold. If a cooperation has been fruitful and profitable for all parties involved, then actively request a recommendation. Especially well-known companies can serve as a stepping stone for future projects.

Orders via design platforms not always advantageous

Registration appears to be particularly easy on the design platforms on the net. Here you can create a profile that potential buyers can use to book you. The problem with these portals is the price war: Not only well-trained designers are represented here, but also freelancers from other nations, who are responsible for the fact that you hardly receive interesting inquiries or assignments due to their dumping prices. They produce logos or web designs for just a few euros. Creating them at these prices makes no sense to you considering the work required.

Use the advantages of an international freelance platform

In contrast to the classic design portals you can convince on a freelancer platform with your profile. Here it is primarily about to not draw attention to yourself with dumping prices. Rather, the represented companies want to win excellent design freelancers for their project and are willing to pay a reasonable price for it. Attractive and exciting assignments are the benchmark on our freelance platform.

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Find freelance designer jobs on our platform

By registering on our freelancer website and creating a profile, you increase your chances for an interesting and well-paid job as a freelance designer. If your expertise matches the requirements of a company, we will arrange an exciting assignment for you. Take your chance now and create a profile to draw attention to yourself.


How do I find a job as a freelance designer?

By registering on our freelance platform you can increase your chances of finding interesting and well-paid international projects or jobs as a freelance graphic artist & designer. A meaningful profile with your skills will help you to find assignments.

In which industries do freelance web or graphic designers work?

A definition does not exist. Frequently, it is companies from the media, advertising, art & culture, film or publishing houses that are actively looking for freelancers. Advertising agencies in particular often seek external support for their client projects.

What are the earning opportunities for freelancers in the field of Graphics & Design?

Annual earnings are estimated at 40,000 to 50,000 euros when freelancers start out. The average is 65,000 euros and the peak is around 90,000 euros per year.

Where are design freelancers often sought?

First and foremost, it is national and international cities where the demand for freelance designers is particularly high. Berlin, London, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam or New York are regarded as potential places of work or locations for clients in the creative sector.

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